Police in Nkhotakota have arrested Limbikani Chisale and Biton Chisale, who have been in hiding after being accused of killing their brother, Chikalo Chisale, on Christmas Day. The incident stemmed from suspicions that the deceased had stolen K35,000 belonging to their cousin’s child.

Nkhotakota Police Deputy Spokesperson, Chisomo Chuma, confirmed the arrests, explaining that the conflict arose when the deceased admitted to taking the money and handed over K17,000 as part of repayment.

“Although the deceased assured his brothers on Christmas Day that he would repay the remaining amount the following day, they were dissatisfied, and the disagreement escalated until they struck him on the head with a log,” Chuma explained.

A postmortem conducted at Nkhotakota District Hospital revealed that the cause of death was excessive blood loss.

The suspects, both from Goodson Village under Traditional Authority Mphonde in Nkhotakota District, are expected to appear in court soon to face charges related to the murder.