Mary Laini Kaude, an 87-year-old woman from Matewere Village in Traditional Authority Juma’s area in Mulanje District, is recovering from severe injuries after being attacked by an angry mob on Thursday night. The mob accused her of practicing witchcraft and causing rain delays in the area.

Catherine Namanya, Kaude’s granddaughter, reported that the assailants broke into Kaude’s home through a window before attacking her. Neighbors, alerted by the commotion, rushed to the scene and rescued her. She was initially taken to Namphungo Health Centre for treatment before being transferred to Mulanje District Hospital, where she was hospitalized for two days.

Innocent Moses, the Mulanje Police spokesperson, has appealed for time to gather information before commenting further on the case.
Meanwhile, Andrew Kavala, the Executive Director of the Malawi Network for Older Persons (MANEPO), has condemned the attack and urged authorities to investigate and ensure that the perpetrators face justice. Kavala emphasized the need to protect the elderly from baseless accusations and violence.
Cases of violence against older persons, particularly linked to witchcraft allegations, remain a persistent problem in Malawi. Advocacy groups have repeatedly called for public awareness campaigns and stricter enforcement of laws to protect the rights of senior citizens.

Kaude’s ordeal highlights the urgent need for community education and legal action to address these harmful superstitions and ensure the safety and dignity of older persons in Malawi.
