Dorothy Kingston, also known as Cashie-Madam, has been elected as the new leader of the Film Association of Malawi (Fama), following a hotly contested election. Kingston secured 66 votes, defeating Flora Suya, who received 15 votes.
The election result surprised many, with some expecting Suya, who previously served as Vice President during Gift Sukali’s presidency, to win.
Sukali popularly known as Sukez, who served as Fama’s president, commented that Suya’s leadership challenges and resignation as General Secretary may have influenced the outcome, highlighting Kingston’s resilience and ability to tackle difficulties.
“Flora Suya’s talent is not in question, but leadership demands more than skill in a specific field. It requires humility, patience, and the ability to compromise for the greater good. Perhaps this is where FAMA members made their decision”,said Sukez.