A 55-year-old Group Village Headman Maqawani Sadam Mabaso, has been arrested by police in Kafukule, Mzimba, for allegedly assaulting a 16-year-old girl. The incident reportedly took place in Daudi Luweya area.

According to Kafukure police spokesperson Masiku Munyangwa, the man is accused of luring the girl under the influence of alcohol. After drinking together, Mabaso allegedly took the girl to his house, where they spent the night.

The girl’s parents later reported the incident to Euthini police, who worked with Kafukule police to arrest Mabaso.

However it reported this is not for the first time Sadam to commit the same offence but he that Police released from custoday after police received k700,000 from Sadam’s son based in South Africa.

According to Chindi Women’s Forum in Mzimba District, there is a rumour which says that Sadam will be released from cell is  after his son, allegedly promised to pay 1 million Malawi Kwacha to the officers.

Sadam Mabaso hails  from Mabowoza village in Chindi, Mzimba.