Police in Nkhata Bay District have arrested a 36 year-old woman, Madalitso Banda for allegedly concealing birth of a child and dumping the baby in a swamp in TA Zilakoma in the district.

The arrest followed a report about a new born baby that was found dumped in a rice field by unknown woman.

Digging deep into the matter, the woman admitted to have done the evil due to marital issues.

The woman revealed that she got married to a certain man in Mzimba, but due to other family issues she went back to her home village in TA Zilakoma where after long stay she fell for another man who eventually impregnated her.

The pregnancy news spread to her husband in Mzimba who reportedly got astonished and promised to follow her for interrogation, the development that left the woman in panic.

On January 2, 2025 her time to deliver approached when she was with her relatives in rice field.

She sneaked to a quiet place to conceal delivery process and later dumped the baby and fled to Liwuzi health centre.

Upon receiving report about the matter, through thorough investigation instituted at Chintheche Police Post, the woman has been arrested on January 4, 2025 at the said health centre.

She has been charged with concealing birth of a child.

Madalitso Banda who hails from Chiwere Village, Traditional Authority Zilakoma in Nkhata Bay District will appear in court after paper work.