Police in Nkhotakota are searching for Charles Chitseko, who jumped off from MV Illala and went missing while travelling from Likoma Island to Nkhotakota. The incident occurred during the night, and Chitseko, believed to be from Likoma, was on a return trip to Nkhotakota.

According to police spokesperson Paul Malimwe, Chitseko was traveling aboard the ferry from Likoma Island to Sengabay in Salima, passing through the Kariba dock in Nkhotakota when the unfortunate event occurred.

Witnesses reported that Chitseko had been drinking alcohol during the trip, and it is believed that he fell overboard in the middle of Lake Malawi. Passengers on board the ferry were concerned when they noticed his absence and searched for him without success.

The search efforts continue, and authorities are urging anyone with information to come forward.