Police in Machinga have launched a manhunt for villagers who assaulted 40-year-old businessman Jafali Namasani at Ngokwe Trading Center and looted his shop after accusing him of hiring people to chop off others’ private parts.
Machinga Police Public Relations Officer, Sergeant Western Kansire, confirmed the January 6th incident, stating that it occurred around 7 PM.
According to Kansire, Namasani was attacked while closing his shop, which sells electronics, groceries, and fabrics. A mob accused him of involvement in alleged “evil practices” and brutally assaulted him.
The victim’s younger brother and friends managed to rescue him despite severe injuries. The mob later looted Namasani’s shop, stealing various items.
Border patrol police intervened to restore calm, but the value of the stolen property is yet to be determined. Investigations are underway to track down the perpetrators.
Jafali Namasani, who hails from Mpakara Village, Traditional Authority Ngokwe, is currently receiving treatment at Machinga District Hospital.