Mighty Mukuru Wanderers have strongly condemned the attack on their Chief Executive Officer, Panganeni Ndovi, after he was assaulted by Cecil Malunga, a 45-year-old man from Kadikira Village, Blantyre.

The incident occurred when Ndovi was driving along Chikwawa and was confronted by Malunga, who began assaulting him. The attack escalated when Malunga pulled Ndovi from his vehicle, resulting in the CEO sustaining a shoulder dislocation and bruises.

Ndovi managed to escape the scene, leaving his vehicle behind, and reported the incident to the police. Blantyre police spokesperson, Peter Mchiza, confirmed that Malunga was arrested on suspicion of committing an offence of Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, in violation of Section 254 of the Penal Code.

Malunga is expected to appear in court soon as investigations continue. Wanderers FC has issued a statement expressing their outrage over the incident and calling for justice.