Popular Malawian media personality Mirriam Ntambo, also known as Mimi, has announced her resignation from Times Group. She made the announcement through a heartfelt post on her Facebook page, sharing the news with her fans and expressing gratitude for her journey at the company.

“It is with deep regret that I announce my resignation from Times 360 Malawi. This company has raised me in ways I can never explain, but all in all, I am grateful for all the time I had there. My time there has not only made me an award-winning media personality but has helped me rediscover myself. To the next chapter,” Mimi wrote in her post.

Mimi became a household name in 2021 when she hosted the popular ‘Friday Night Live show on Times TV after rocking a miniskirt leaving men drooling. Her confidence and style, including her memorable appearances on the show, quickly captured the audience’s attention. The same year, she won the prestigious Times TV Personality of the Year Award.

While she has not revealed her next steps, Mimi’s diverse professional background includes roles as a marketing manager, sales representative, events host, and more.

Her fans are eager to see what’s next for the award-winning media personality as she embarks on a new chapter.