A 25-year-old driver, Mepyala Samalani, has been arrested by Lingadzi Police for causing significant damage to the newly dualized M1 road along Kamuzu Procession Road in Lilongwe.

The incident occurred when Samalani, driving a Scania tipper from Kanengo towards Area 18, lost control at a bend near a Pentecostal Church.

The truck veered off the road, colliding with a streetlight pole and crushing the freshly constructed road pavement.

What’s more alarming is that Samalani was driving without a license, and now faces charges of reckless driving, driving without a license, and damaging road infrastructure.

The M1 road dualization project, a vital upgrade to Lilongwe’s transport network, has not yet been officially completed for the public, making this incident a major concern.

Samalani, from Pemba Village in Dedza, is currently out on police bail and will soon appear in court to answer the charges.