A shocking incident has occurred in Mbayani, Blantyre City, where a young girl has reportedly fallen prey to a suspected satanic scam, sparking outrage among community members.

Reports indicate the girl received a phone call instructing her to visit a local mobile money agent and transfer K85,000. She was allegedly told to carry three maize grains, a matchstick, and a candle to perform a ritual that would supposedly confuse the agent, preventing them from questioning the transaction.

After completing the transfer, the girl was startled when the agent inquired about the transaction. It was then that she realized she had been deceived. Attempts to call back the person who had contacted her were unsuccessful, as the number was disconnected.

The community is reportedly furious over the incident, with some members threatening to take matters into their own hands. A viral video circulating online shows the girl, styled in neat braids, surrounded by an angry crowd demanding answers and justice.

Police have not  yet commented on the incident, and calls for greater awareness and protection against such scams are growing louder.