Three men in Machinga have been sentenced to 42 months imprisonment each with hard labour after they were found guilty of stealing cattle.

Machinga police publicist, Davie Sulumba identified the three convicts as Saizi Lupiya, 30 from Mkumba village,Dickson Kumbani, 29 and Jawadu Mangochi, 30 from Makwinja village, all from Traditional Authority Chikweo in Machinga District.

The prosecutor, Richard Kandeya told the court that the three men stole two bulls worth K400.000 from Mr Nakapa of the same district.

It happened that the same night of the incident, a certain man went in search for criminals who had stolen cattle belonging to his mother in law and was accompanied by other three men.

Whilst there, they saw the bulls that were herded by three men and they run after them but the thieves escaped leaving the cattle behind.

The community members however recognized the thieves and after identifying the cattle, they discovered that the livestock belong Mr Nakapa.

In court, the men pleaded innocent but they were proved wrong after parading four witnesses.

Passing the judgment, First Grade Magistrate Jones Masula slapped the three men to 42 months in prison with hard labour stating that cases of stealing cattle are common in the district.


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