By Orchestra Kamanga

Most people in the country are giving their different views over the just passed Land Act laws while others are agreeing with the Act others questioned its importance.

The Views and reactions came hot during the National Conference on Land Governance with the theme: “Land governance, a key to sustainable development in Malawi” held at the Polytechnic main campus lecture theatre hall in country’s commercial city, Blantyre.

Speaking during his presentation a key note address, professor Blessing Chinsinga of University of Malawi Chancellor College, department of political and Administrative studies, Centre research said government should not dwell much on customary land but their focus should dwell on urbanization land because customary land is only for farming activities.

“The land Act 2016 is not bad but we need to follow the right procedure when dealing on land issues,”” adding that foreigners and rich people with beneficiary much on the land laws than poor in villages.

Chinsinga said Venezuela was a poor country but after managing their land properly they are much better than Malawi.

Sane Zuka National Conference Organization Chairperson said a 3 day meeting was aimed at sharing land experiences among Africa countries and engage the partners on land sector such as land net and to discuss how best the country can solve the problem.

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