A 39-year-old driver is expected to appear in court and answer the charge of causing death due to reckless driving under section 126 subsection 4 of the Road Traffic Act.

Salome Zgambo of Kanengo police station identified the suspect as Patrick Chadza from Kamphanje village in the area of Traditional Authority Njolomole in Ntcheu.

Reports say on Sunday, the suspect was driving a Toyota Dyna, 3 tonner from Chitukula village in Lilongwe heading towards Dzenza, area 25.

“He committed the offence upon reaching Choto Trading Centre as he was turning to the right hand side when he encountered a kabaza taxi man who had carried a passenger.

“Due to over speeding, he hit the bicycle and all the two people who were on bicycle died on the spot, said Zgambo.

The driver then took himself to Kanengo police station after the incident.

The bicycle taxi operator was identified as Khalidwe Mark, 18 and the passenger as Rajab White aged 24.

A further police investigation established that the cause of the accident was due to over speeding.

Meanwhile, the suspect is expected to appear in court to answer the charge of causing death due to reckless driving.

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