Below is information we feel will be helpful in understanding the current official exchange rates. Should you require any further information do not hesitate to contact

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Currency Middle Rate Buying Rate Selling Rate
AED 68.0643 67.3836 68.7449
AUD 254.5306 251.9853 257.0760
BWP 33.9872 33.6474 34.3271
CAD 251.0292 248.5189 253.5395
CHF 270.8559 268.1473 273.5645
CMD 250.0000 247.5000 252.5000
CNY 39.6002 39.2042 39.9962
DKK 43.9792 43.5394 44.4190
EUR 325.3250 322.0718 328.5783
GBP 403.4250 399.3908 407.4593
HKD 32.2123 31.8902 32.5345
IDR 0.0270 0.0268 0.0273
IEP 150.9024 149.3934 152.4114
INR 4.6568 4.6102 4.7034
JPY 3.1309 3.0996 3.1622
KES 3.0030 2.9730 3.0330
KPW 113.6364 112.5000 114.7727
KRW 0.2193 0.2172 0.2215
MYR 81.8357 81.0174 82.6541
MZN 9.0744 8.9837 9.1652
NOK 43.0663 42.6357 43.4970
NZD 198.9179 196.9287 200.9071
PKR 2.7512 2.7237 2.7787
SAR 66.6631 65.9965 67.3297
SGD 200.7710 198.7633 202.7787
THB 8.0489 7.9684 8.1294
TZS 0.1575 0.1559 0.1591
USD 250.0000 247.5000 252.5000
XDR 386.4585 382.5939 390.3231
ZAR 32.0148 31.6946 32.3349
ZMK 0.0485 0.0481 0.0490


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