Member of Parliament for Balaka North Lucius Banda has asked President for United Democratic Front (UDF) Atupele Muluzi to prove that the Party is still kicking to some members who have lost hope in the Party.

Muluzi who is also Minister of Health under President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has been so silent since the May 20, 2014 tripartite elections.

The silence has attracted speculations from other quarters saying the Party is on its death bed while its leaders are dining with the ruling elite.

Recently it was reported that the Party is planning to field one candidate with the ruling DPP come 2019 and this angered Party supporters who demanded answers from Muluzi.

Speaking during a rally last month at Nyambadwe ground in the commercial capital Blantyre, Muluzi could not clear the miss on the matter, saying the future of the Party will be known during the Party’s convention.

Writing on his official facebook page, Banda took time explaining to Malawians especially UDF supporters that the Party is still alive.

“As the year is drawing closer and closer to the end and as we see people preparing for the upcoming elections, one begs to wonder if UDF is still alive and kicking?

“As a Member of Parliament as well as a citizen of Malawi, I have seen how much UDF is alive,” wrote Banda.

He added: “I hear a lot when people all over say that UDF is on its death bed but what the masses do not know is that, my beloved party is very much alive.

“I have travelled Malawi from the Southern Region to the Eastern and from the Eastern to the Central and not forgetting the Northern Region seeing the love and support the citizens of Malawi have for The United Democratic Front.

“It is my hope and wish to see our leadership in this party grow and prove to those that have lost hope in this mighty party that we as UDF are alive and kicking in all the four corner stones in Malawi.”

Effort to talk to UDF spokesperson Ken Ndanga on the matter proved futile.

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