The  Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Nicholas Dausi  has promised Malawians  to be briefed on any development while President Peter Mutharika is at  United Nations General Assembly ( UNGA) of this year.

APM at KIA before departure

Speaking on Friday afternoon  when President was leaving  together with First Lady Gertrude Mutharika for  coming 72nd UNGA to be held in New York, United States of America, Dausi confirmed to reporters that the trip will not be the same of 2016.

In last year Mutharika extended the stay at UNGA, the incident which  attracted a lot of speculation. He later came home failing to right handshake  that depicted the president had  also been unwell.

“Malawians will be in touch with the president’s engagements while at the UNGA,” Dausi promises

While this year session will be held under the theme “Focusing on people: striving for peace and a decent life for all on a sustainable planet”.

Mutharika said this year’s theme is in direct compliment of what government of Malawi is doing to make sure all Malawians live in peace.

He told journalists: “It is always my wish to see peace and tranquility continue to prevail in Malawi so that the different kinds of people in the country should be able to live in harmony.

“This is why government recently adopted the National Peace Policy which will be launched soon. We will take this as an advantage to engage and learn from other countries as well,” said Mutharika.

The president added he will also be making a number of speeches during the meeting which will highlight Malawi’s position on various topics. The general assembly runs from September 19 to 25.

“This is a people centered session that there will be sessions on women, youth and the people with disability amongst others. I will be making around 12 speeches and one of the important one is on sexual violence. The first lady also has a number of speeches to make.

“This promises to be a busy session but I am very excited,” said Mutharika.

Mutharika left  via Kamuzu International Airport (KIA) on a chartered plane to South Africa before proceeding to US.


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