Information sourced by faceofmalawi indicates that the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is sponsoring the party’s youth cadet Kenneth Bwanali to challenged Malawi Congress Party (MCP) President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera during the Party’s convention.

Last week, Chakwera told the press that the Party will hold its convention in January next year to elect possible candidate to represent the Party in the 2019 general election.

Following the announcement, Bwanali who is affiliated to the ruling DPP as witnessed in most of his facebook post has declared interest to challenge Chakwera.

“Time has come for the youth in all political parties in Malawi to take part in top leadership of our parties. DPP cadets contest against Muntharika, PP, AFORD, UDF, do that as for me I am going to contest for MCP President against the incumbent Reverend Chakwela. I don’t have any grudge against him its the requirement of democracy and inter party politics,” wrote Bwanali.

Bwanali’s declaration has attracted debate on the social media with most Malawians criticizing the ruling DPP of being behind the move.

Effort to talk to DPP Spokesperson Francis Kasaila proved futile.

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