Family and friends have been left totally heartbroken after a former beauty queen killed herself after calling her boyfriend.
Sammi Kearsey, a 29-year-old former model phoned her boyfriend to say she was ‘not right for this world’ before taking her own life, an inquest heard.

According to Metro UK, the young woman was found by an early morning dog walker in a park near her parent’s home in November 2016 after years battling bulimia and depression.

Her family said ‘failings’ in the mental health service, who were aware of previous suicide attempts, led to her death and question why she was not detained.

She tried to take her own life twice last year – in February and August – but was optimistic about the future after her relationship with boyfriend Daniel Coomber began to break down.

The inquest heard the former part-time model struggled with substance abuse and drank up to a bottle of gin a day in 2015.

Coroner Katy Skerrett said she was ‘moderately drunk’ at the time of death, with 162mg of alcohol in her blood recorded. Traces of fluoxetine were also in her blood. Ms Kearsey had lived with Mr Coomber in Portsmouth, Hampshire, but moved back in with her parents in Cheltenham, Glos two days before her death.

She returned with all her belongings after saying she had split up with Mr Coomber and revealed plans for a fresh start in Bristol. But Mr Coomber told the inquest he received ‘angry and upset’ messages and phone calls from her the following day.

He said: ‘She was getting despondent about the idea of moving to Bristol. ‘She expressed suicidal feelings and was was being evasive – she wouldn’t tell me where she was.

‘The last contact was later in the evening when she said ‘I can’t do it anymore – I’ve felt like this since i was 13 -I’m not right for this world.

‘I knew she was outside because I could hear wind. I felt she was intending to take her life.’

After the inquest in Gloucester parents John and Jan Kearsey said their daughter should have been detained under the Mental Health Act. They criticised the decision to class her as at ‘low risk’ of committing suicide.

Mr. Kearsey said: ‘One of the failings as a family we feel strongly about is that we have a national database for the health of our vehicles but we don’t have a database for the health of our people.

‘To not have a database in this day and age is deplorable. How many people does it take and how many attempted suicides before somebody is sectioned?

‘It would save the NHS a lot of money and would reduce the strain on services.’

Recording a verdict of suicide, the coroner said: ‘It’s clear this 29-year-old had a long battle with her anxiety and bulimia.

‘She took herself off to a secluded woodland and took the tragic steps that she did.

‘It may well have been a fleeting intention but I am satisfied that in that moment she reached that fleeting intention.’

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