President Donald Trump has told The United States Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson to save his energy from trying to hold talks with North Korean leader, a day after Tillerson announced that the Donald Trump`s administration has opened “lines of communication” with North Korea.

US secretary of state, Rex Tillerson

“I told Rex Tillerson, our wonderful Secretary of State, that he is wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man,” Trump wrote on Twitter, repeating the nickname he has been using for North Korean President Kim Jong Un.

“Save your energy Rex, we’ll do what has to be done! ,” he posted.

Tillerson on Saturday said the Trump administration for the first time has opened up “lines of communication with Pyongyang. We’re not in a dark situation, a blackout.”

“We are seeing from what we can observe, and the Chinese are telling us, that it is having some effect, and [the Chinese] have a pretty close view of it,” Tillerson said.
the rivals, Trump and Kim
Trump has warned Kim’s regime that he would “totally destroy” North Korea if forced to defend the US or its allies in the region.
He also referred to Kim as “Rocket Man” during a speech last month to the United Nations General Assembly and said the despot is on a “suicide mission.”
North Korea is under punishing sanctions imposed by the UN that restricts its imports, especially fuel, for its continuing military provocations that include detonating a nuclear device and launching intercontinental ballistic missiles.
While backing the sanctions, China and Russia have both encouraged the US to try to find a diplomatic solution to the standoff between the two countries.


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