A retired dangerous criminal who still have hopes to enter heaven is now living a strange life just to please his ancestors who told him to do so if he`s willing to be forgiven and have space at the holy place.

Thapelo Khiba aged 27 says he built a house made of plastic bottles where he lives with no furniture and only eats vegetables as commanded by his ancestors.

Thapelo, from Marquard in the Free State in South Africa, claims he was told in his dreams to build a shack out of plastic bottles and to grow vegetables.

“Many people think I’m crazy but I will have the last laugh when I enter heaven.”

He told Daily Sun: “I used to rob and steal from people but after being caught and beaten, I decided to leave the thug’s life behind.

“At the beginning of this year, I dreamt my ancestors told me they would give me another chance in life.

“I was shown heaven, where angels were worshipping and having a good time.

“Heaven isn’t all white, as people say it is. There were bright colours.

“At the end of the dream, an old man told me I can have all this if I followed his instructions. I was given the task of collecting bottles and shown in my dreams how to build my shack.

“After a few months, I was instructed to grow vegetables and stay away from any other type of food.

“ I have been living on vegetables for about six months,” said Thapelo.

“At night I sleep in the shack on top of my vegetables.

“People in the olden days used to live long lives because of eating vegetables.

“I also want to live a long life.

“My vegetables grow fast and I sometimes sell them to support my family.”

Neighbour Matshidiso Rameli said: “I’m happy to see Thapelo living an honest life.

“He used to be a troublemaker.

“I heard from his traditional healer mum that Thapelo was promised a good life if he changed his ways,” Matshidiso told Daily Sun.

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