There was drama yesterday in Machinjiri when a group of sex workers connived to boot out a client who is reportedly to have defecated while bonking a hooker in a room.

the picture is just an illustration of the situation

The incident happened around 8 pm at Zone 14 bar which is near 7 Heaven Bar – a popular bar at Luwanda previously called BUSH

It is reported that the client booked a sex worker only identified as Edina for a short time sex.

Upon making the agreements, the two went ahead at Edina’s room for a memorable moment.

But while in the act, the man defecated and the situation angered the hooker who in response mobilized her fellow sex workers who booted out the client from the bar while singing, “onyeredwa” “onyeredwa” “onyeredwa”.

Some revelers who were outside the bar enjoying a pool game were shocked about the incident that they had to find out which prostitute had made a man reach to that extent until Edina’s name came out.

A number of them praised Edina saying that she is a woman most men wouldn’t want to leave as she has got the capabilities to make a man do unexpected things in bed.

At that time, Edina did not come in open as she wanted to stay away from people’s attention on her.


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