The ongoing human maltreatment and selling of humans in Libya has got so terrible that some leaders have reacted.

Pictures of slave markets and gross abuse of black Africans are awash on social media after CNN uncovered the fledging human trade in the North African country.

The horrible images show some migrants being sold for $400 while others are tortured to death by individuals in Libyan military wears.

However some concerned head of states in Africa have condemned the apparent silence over the development as the AU, ECOWAS and other known regional blocks are yet to comment on the issue.

Tweeting on the matter on Thursday, the president of Ghana Akufo-Addo described the whole thing as a mockery of African solidarity.

“The current slave auctions of Africans in Libya are not only gross and scandalous abuses of human rights, but are also mockeries of the alleged solidarity of African nations grouped in the African Union (AU), of which Libya is a member”.

On his part, Nigerian president Muhammadu Buhari said it was appalling that “some Nigerians in the footage where being sold like goats for few dollars in Libya.”

Meanwhile, united Nations (UN) Secretary General Antonio Guterres has urged the international community to come together and unite in ending the atrocities taking place in Libya.
In a statement, Guterres said “Slavery has no place in this world. These actions are the most outrageous to ever happen.”
During a live interview on KTN News on Wednesday night, United Nations Refugee Agency representative to Kenya Yvonne Ndege was quoted saying that the UNHCR was doing all it could to scale up operations in the country.
“Already, we have briefly managed to evacuate some of the migrants from Libya,” she added.


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