At least 88 houses have been destroyed at Usisya in Nkhata Bay District by stormy rains that have been falling since Friday.

Nkhata Bay Assistant District Disaster Risk Management Officer Oswel Mkandawire confirmed the damage Saturday afternoon.

“It is true that stormy rains that started falling on Friday at Usisya have affected 85 households, two church buildings and one teacher’s house,” Mkandawire said.

He further said they are expecting the number of affected households to increase as officials are on the ground to assess the damage.

Since November this year, the district has been hit by a series of natural disasters which have left many people homeless and others injured.

Earlier last month, storm winds destroyed property for 45 households in Traditional Authority (TA) Malenga Mzoma.

Three weeks ago, a lightning struck 21 learners at Munkhokwe Primary School with 20 out the affected learners treated as out-patients at Chintheche Rural Hospital while one was admitted after sustaining burns.

A fortnight ago, 338 households at Mpamba in TA Timbiri were also hit by rainstorms.

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