A young boy and girl who are very much still in their pre-teen years, have been said to have disappeared from sight after being left home alone.

The missing children

Daily Star UK reports that a 2-year-old girl and a four-year-old boy have gone missing from their home in north London.

Police discovered Tiffarah Paul-Wright and Aiale Paul-Wright had disappeared after officers were told the pair were home alone.

Tiffarah and Aiale were last seen at around midnight yesterday in Islington, the Metropolitan Police said.

“Officers were made aware that the children were at home alone, but officers visited the address and they were not present,” a spokesman added.

“Officers are growing increasingly concerned for their welfare.

There is no information on their whereabouts of their mother.

According to statistics from Missing Kids UK, a child goes missing in Britain every three minutes.

It adds that an estimated 306,000 reports of missing people are made to British police every year.

The majority of these reports are children and young people under the age of 18.

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