A Zimbabwean prostitute from Cowdray Park Suburb in Bulawayo appeared before court after making false claims that she was raped.

Rojoice Nyoni reported to police against her client not knowing a CCTV was recording the agreement the two had before they walked to the back of the shop where they had sex.

Zimbabwean prostitutes

When the CCTV footage was brought in court as evidence, she pleaded guilty to the charge of obstructing the course of justice and luckily Bulawayo Magistrate Ms Sharon Rosemani commanded her to perform 210 hours of community service.

The prosecuting officer Mr Mclean Ndlovu said on November 2, the prostitute went to Bulawayo Central Police Station where she reported that she had been raped by unknown man behind Solatek shop corner Second Avenue and Jason Moyo Street.

While there, she stated that she had been grabbed by her blouse, forcibly pulled into sanitary lane where the man had raped her.

Investigations revealed that the scene of the crime was under CCTV monitoring and the investigative officer managed to have access to the video footage.

In the video, the two were seen having quality time together without any form of aggression being used.

Passing the judgment, magistrate Rosemani sentenced her to Nine months in prison with a suspended sentence of three months on condition that she should not repeat the offence in three years.

The remaining six months are suspended on condition that she completes 210 hours of community service at Cowdray Park Primary School.


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