Malawi’s leader of opposition John Tembo has said the end of an era of oppression, suppression and depression has beckoned a new dawn of democracy where every person can enjoy their dignity and freedom.


Tembo said this on Monday when he responded to the state of the nation address delivered by President Joyce Banda Friday last week.

“The new regime wants to treat people of this country on the same basis without promoting one tribe or clan above others,” said Tembo.

The leader of opposition commended the presidential speech which he said touched on a number of issues that went wrong in the previous regime.

“While Malawians were queuing for fuel, queuing for a packet of sugar, and looking for tablets in hospitals, the privileged few were busy jumping from one conference to the other bragging that the country’s economy was in right on track,” said Tembo.

As he addressed the house, former ruling party Democratic Progressive Party lawmakers watched in an apparent disbelief.

Leader of the United Democratic Front in the house Clement Chiwaya told his fellow MPs not to mislead president Banda arguing that the late President Bingu wa Mutharika was also misled by greedy legislators.

“Mr. Speaker Sir, we are the same MPs who supported Bakili Muluzi’s third term bid, we also clapped hands when president Bingu wa Mutharika was taking us [Malawians] astray. Now we have just changed positions. Let us represent Malawians and not our personal egos,” pleaded Chiwaya.

Opposition DPP will respond to the president Banda’s speech on Tuesday

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