Soon the cliched defeat in 5-1, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) suffered in by-elections in October, 2017 will be over if Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU) prediction  for President Peter Mutharika’s victory in next year’s elections matters.

Mutharika: DPP was not responsible for the violence

According to report , the London based EIU released, predicting that Mutharika, and the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) will remain in power  in 2019 election.

Reads part of the report: “Malawi’s underlying stability is not under threat, although a volatile political scene and low public confidence in state institutions will stoke some political volatility.

“The Economist Intelligence Unit expects the president, Peter Mutharika, and his Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to remain in power throughout the forecast period, securing re-election in 2019.

“Political volatility is likely to intensify in the run-up to and the immediate aftermath of the polls, as has been the case in each of Malawi’s recent election periods.”

However, EIU has blamed government for failing to consider electoral reform bills.





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