Mulanje South Member of Parliament Bon Kalindo has ordered for the killing of Charcoal burners accusing them of destroying the country.

Kalindo, popularly known as Winiko in the comedy circles said this today in the National Assembly when contributing to the report by Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development Joseph Mwanamvekha on the status of fall army worms and drought in the country.

In his contribution, Kalindo said Charcoal burners are contributing highly to climate change in the country.

“Mr. Speaker, Charcoal burners must be killed because they are the ones destroying this country due to their aimlessly cutting down of trees which results in drought. If given a chance to kill them I will be on the forefront,” said Kalindo while attracting laughter from both side of the house.

Kalindo also accused some politicians of be behind these Charcoal burners.

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