Dedza First Grade Magistrate Court has sentenced a 25 year old Man identified as Kasito Yasini for defiling his 11 year old step daughter in order to become rich.

Police Prosecutor Sub Inspector Wedson Nyondo told the court that Yasini got charms from a certain herbalist to get rich and as a ritual, he was supposed to sleep with an under aged girl and on 2nd February, 2018 he forced his stepdaughter into his bedroom where he had sex with her.

“Yasini threatened to kill her if she revealed the act. However, later in the day the girl revealed the matter to her mother who ordered her to reveal again immediately should he sleep with her again,” Nyondo said.

“A day later Yasini defiled the girl again and gave her MK50 with the same threats as in the first occasion, but the girl told her mother and the matter was reported to police leading to his arrest,” he added.

He said that a medical report from Chimoto Health Centre showed that the girl was defiled.

Yasini pleaded guilty to the charge and in mitigation he asked for the court’s leniency, saying he had a family with two kids.

Passing judgment, First Grade Magistrate Ritchie Gomani said Yasini failed his job as a parent so he needed a stiff punishment to deter others.
He then sentenced him to 11 years Imprisonment with Hard Labour.

Kasito Yasini comes from Chemtambo Village in Traditional Authority Kachere in Dedza.

In a related development the same court has sentenced a 21 year old man identified as Samson Rolenso to 8 years Imprisonment with Hard Labour for defiling his sister in-law aged 11.

Police Prosecutor Sub Inspector Wedson Nyondo told the court that Samson told his wife that he knew the medication for piles (Likango) which the girl was suffering from.

“Samson got the herbs and took the girl into her room. He ordered his wife to leave them so that he should administer the herbs himself and later the wife heard a loud cry from the room and rushed only to find his husband defiling the girl,” Nyondo said.

Nyondo said Samson told his wife that having sex with the girl was the only way he could have administered the herbs to the girl.

He pleaded not guilty to the charge despite a medical report showing that the girl was defiled. The state paraded two witnesses who all testified against him.

He pleaded with the court for leniency, saying he has a family.

But the state asked the court for stiff punishment for him, saying such cases were on the increase.

Passing Judgement, First Grade Magistrate Ritchie Gomani concurred with the state and sentenced him the accused to 8 years Imprisonment with Hard Labour.

Samson Rolenso comes from Khuzi Village Traditional Authority Kwataine in Ntcheu.

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