First Grade Magistrate Crispin Sachuluka has sentenced two prostitutes in Ntcheu to 4 years imprisonment each with hard labour after they were found guilty for stripping and parading a man naked for failing to pay his bill.

a picture illustrating two sex workers

The two convicts are identified as 21-year-old Patricia Chapotera and 20-year-old Ruth Wizman, both hails from Nsiyaludzu village, Traditional Authority Makwangwala, Ntcheu.

Police prosecutor Inspector Evans Kantukule told the court that on Wednesday, 7 February, the victim went to Friends Corner bar which is situated at Ntcheu Boma for beer spree. In the process, his eyes spotted one of the sex workers whom he later agreed to spend the night with.

But in the morning, the man failed to settle his payment thereby a quarrel started between the prostitute and him.  In the midst of their disagreement, another prostitute came in claiming that the same man had also previously slept with her without settling his bill some time back.

Then the two helped each other to strip the man naked and paraded him around Ntcheu Boma while chanting ‘Kabwerebwere Uyu’.

Some well-wishers came to his rescue and took the matter to Ntcheu police. Later, the two sex workers were arrested and charged with indecent assault which is contrary to section 137 of the penal code.

In court, they all pleaded guilty and asked the court for leniency.

However, First Grade Magistrate Sachuluka conquered with the state prosecutor that if it were a woman in the victim’s shoes, the whole human rights fraternity and gender activists would have descended on the man but the issue is being take as normal because the victim is a male.

He then sentenced the two to 48 months imprisonment with hard labour as deter to would be offenders.

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