Malawi police are looking for a suspect who chopped off another man’s hand on suspicion that he was having an affair with his wife.

Dedza police spokesperson Edward Kabango, has identified the suspect as Luka Lumbani and the 60-year-old victim Limson Duma.

According to Kabango, on Valentine`s day, 14th February, the victim passed near the suspect`s house at around 7 o’clock in the evening.

“The suspect thought Duma wanted to meet his wife on the belief that he (the owner) was not at home at that particular time,” Kabango said.

He then connected Duma`s visit and the rumors he had heard that his wife and Duma were in love hence he thought to deal with him.

“The suspect took a panga knife and an empty bottle. He then followed the victim to the grocery. Quarrel erupted between the two and the suspect assaulted the victim with the bottle.

“The victim managed to escape from the grocery heading to his home, but as if that was not enough, the suspect followed him and chopped the victim’s left hand with the panga knife before running away leaving the victim in dead pain,” Kabango reported.

Meanwhile, police are hunting for Kumbani to face charges of causing grievous harm.

He comes from Njuchi Village in the area of Traditional Authority Kaphuka in Dedza.

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