Two days after his father resigned from the office of the president of South Africa, Zuma`s son Edward has spoken out about his father`s resignation saying the former president was an African National Congress (ANC) hero.

Edward Zuma

Edward thanked the party for allowing Zuma to serve the people in different capacities over the years.

“It is a privilege we will never take for granted. It was an honour that my father was deployed by the ANC.”

He claimed to have received word from “different voices” who allegedly suggested that following his dad’s resignation on Wednesday, disgruntled ANC members should boycott the 2019 general election or even defect to other parties.

“We are calling for maximum restraint,” Edward said. We believe that the ANC remains home for all the people of this country.”

He pleaded with South Africans to demand radical economic transformation and for land restitution without compensation.


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