Business came to a standstill at Shoprite complex in the capital Lilongwe on Thursday following a visit by Prophet Shepherd Bushiri of Enlighten Christian Gathering (ECG) church.

People were seen scrambling to see and take pictures of the Prophet who arrived in the country on Wednesday through Kamuzu International Airport.

According to information at hand, Prophet Bushiri visited Shoprite complex with an intention to shop but this failed due to the crowd.

Writing on his official facebook page Bushiri said he was touched with the love in his home country.

“Amazingly, when we decided to go for shopping today here in Malawi, Lilongwe, we could not do so due to multitudes of people who saw us arriving at the shop wanting to hear at least a word from us.

“I must admit that I was so touched with their love for us and I said to them, “Indeed God will bless everyone under my anointing right now!”, wrote Bushiri.

Bushiri is in the country for charity works.

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