A 41-year-old man in Lilongwe has been sentenced to 18 months in prison for being found with two raw elephant bones.

The convict is identified as Jafali Gunde who hails from Sadi village in the area of Traditional Authority Chamba in Machinga.

The senior resident magistrate court in Lilongwe heard that police were tipped on 10th March of a person who is selling two elephant bones in area 23.

Following the tip, CID officers from Central Region proceeded with the investigation in the matter.

They pretended to be buyers and approached Gunde and thereafter arrested him.

He was charged with an offence of illegal possession of specimen of listed species contrary to section 86 (1) as read with section 110 B (b) of the National Parks and Wildlife Amended Act.

When the charges were read before him in court, Gunde pleaded guilty.

The state prosecutor asked the court to hand him a stiff punishment to act as a lesson to other people.

Passing the judgment, Senior Resident Magistrate Shyrene Yona sentenced the convict to 18 months imprisonment with hard labour.



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