Malawians have criticized Minister of Finance and Economic Development Goodall Gondwe for blocking the youths including the vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima from taking part in running affairs of government describing them as babies.

Gondwe is on record to have said that running the President’s office and government affairs is serious business that requires old people who have experience and not ‘babies’ who are novices in State matters.

This was a direct attack on the country’s Vice President who is being pushed by some DPP top officials led by former first lady Callista Mutharika to be the party’s torch-bearer in the forthcoming tripartite election.

“I want you aspirants to tell people the truth that this government, led by His Excellency Professor Aurthur Peter Mutharika, has done a lot more than anybody else in the North since independence.

“So, I hear some people are saying they want Peter out of the Presidency because he is old? He is not old. Actually, Peter is younger than me! I know that some people also want me to leave office, but I know that youths do well in other things, but concerning affairs of government, it is the old who do well,” said Gondwe.

But the remarks have attracted strong condemnation from all corners with many people, asking Gondwe to apologize.

One of the concerned citizen identified as Dyson Banda wrote: “Yes, government not for babies, but also government not for old people like you. You are too old. Chatsala kwa inu nchoti mupite Ku mudzi mukalowe unyakwawa basi. Iyaaa.”

Concurring with Banda’s remarks Kristogeorge Masikini wrote: “That’s why we say this two gentleman are too old look the ward they’re talking is every stupid young can’t govern you will see sindio kumangonunka konzo chifukwa cholula mwata basi asiyileni Kanyamata.”

On his part, Human Right Activist Billy Mayaya has asked Gondwe to withdraw his remarks.

“The same youth, who are in majority, will vote them out. This is an insult. DPP must apologise for this or face the wrath of young voters,” wrote Mayaya.

Meanwhile debate continues on the matter.

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