By Robert Kumwenda

As the country draw closer to 2019 elections President for opposition Umodzi Party (UP) Professor John has urged Malawians to vote wisely.

The UP leader made these remarks Saturday at a political rally which he addressed at Mudi ground in Lunzu in the area of group village Makata in Blantyre.

He said Malawians have been cheated by many politicians who have ruled this country for so long and it’s high time they have to reflect and vote wisely in the next polls.

“We are failing as a country because we do not work together and l see a brighter future for Malawi because we have the resources but we are failing to use them wisely,” he said.

Chisi said we have suffered a lot and it is now time for change in the way we do things.

He also urged people who came at the rally not to vote for people who have stolen public money adding that when voted into power come 2019 they will make a law that will punish perpetrators of various offences.

The UP leader said it is sad to see people who committed various walking freely in the society.

“As it is said in our constitution in section 16 every person has the right to life, so people who are connected to murder charges they must be prosecuted and punish. Every child whether rich or poor should finish secondary education and should have the opportunity of learning various skills in the technical colleges which we are going to introduce before being admitted to university,” he said.

Chisi said we have been neglected in education by not making it available to our children that is the reason why that is why his party wants where there is a primary school there should be a secondary school.

He added that education is a pillar for every nation to develop saying that we are not capable of solving the problems we are facing because of lack of skilled people yet we have intelligent people in this country.

“We are promoting employment for all as it is in our manifesto because we want every child to be given employment so that he should reach a level that God made him or her to reach,” he said.

He said it is now time for Malawians to plant a new tree for Umodzi because the roots of the problems Malawi is facing is because of its history saying the country has been ruled by the very same people who were in Malawi Congress Party (MCP).

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