President Arthur Peter Muntharika has repeatedly to remind the people of Malawi that he is a strong and a healthy man.

Muntharika claims he’s healthy

The recently Muntharika’s comments comes in following the video which has since gone viral on internet in which he is seen falling down in the presence of Mokgweetsi Masisi, President of Botswana who came for a visit on Monday at Sanjika palace in Blantyre.

video showing Muntharika slipping down

The video has received a mixed reactions from all sorts of people with some saying the president’s slipping down is a clear indication that he’s aged and he no longer fits to contest for the second term while some argues that every human being has for once fallen in his/her life hence this is not strange.

This is the second time the 79-year-old Muntharika has slipped down while executing official duties as the first record was two years back when he fell down while launching a nationwide tree planting campaign.