A Malawian lady currently living in the rainbow country of South Africa is reportedly to have been heavily assaulted by her husband over cheating allegations.

the victim

The husband has been identified as Mr Nyirenda who hails from Madebe in Mzimba district but resides in South Africa in search for a greener pasture.

According to a source who supplied this publication with information, the husband has for a long time been suspecting his wife of having a secret affair outside their marriage.

“What transpired the assault was that the lady was seen with an expensive phone than that of her husband. Upon seeing the gadget, the husband asked his wife where she got such an expensive phone but the woman’s reply did not convince the husband, “said the source.

Following that, the husband got angry and withdrew a sharp knife which he used to stab the wife on the head as well as hands.

Meanwhile, reports say the matter was reported to police for a further investigation.

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