Friday Masese Gossip is a new gossip kid on the gossip block,for your info pleasure, mere innuendos, gossip that is making rounds and alarms.
Hence welcoming you, to this juicy queen’s tip.
These are largely sentiments expressed over Masese rounds and sometimes have a large bearing, but it is just Masese gossip.

I was sharing a masese concoction with Nana by the ‘youth centre’, when the eloquent Ngoni approached.
For your sake, Nana is my masese- mate through rain and shine, falling and rising, scratches and bandages. He is one I treasure and cherish to share gossip with.
We were intervened by Ngoni, who donned his usual blue work suit attire, however, we did not warm heartedly welcome him because we were wary of the little masese concoction we were left with, but in a twist to the tale of usual ailment he jostled to say, “folks I will soon register an NGO representing the minority rights of carpenters. Maybe I can one day carve a coffin for the top dog.”
Nana and I both went into a frenzy of laughter, (Nana nearly wet his pants), and mockery, thinking of what had come over our ‘professional carpenter’ who at this moment had taken leave of sight.
There has been a lot of buzz about minority rights lately and I for one have been convinced that it takes a lot of courage to stand firm and take your course.

We dug deep into our pockets searching for the last coins and notes in our pocket. All that Nana could produce was an Embassy cigarette and a K5 coin such is the order of living; with the little amount I had we requested for another concoction.
It was at this time when Nana, in his Sena accent, broke some fresh gossip,”abwana (boss), have you heard the latest about this atheist Thindwa and his gay colleague Trapenze?” he whispered.

“No I haven’t, Nana can you please handsomely share, am promising another round of the ‘poison’” I responded whilst anxiously waiting for the juice.

George Thindwa is one secular humanist fighting for the rights of minority groups especially those victimised for reportedly practising witchcraft which in his mind he believes does not exist. He recently came into the lime light when he was kicked off a bus for his atheism. And one Gift Trapenze is known for his fight for gay rights.
It is however, not surprising to know that their efforts are gaining recognition not only locally but also internationally as evidenced by this latest gossip.

After exchanging a few rounds of the poison, Nana finally broke the gossip that Thindwa and Trapenze are amongst the high level delegation invited to wine and dine with the British Royal Family at one of the most anticipated royal weddings; that of Prince William and Kate Middleton.
Not even the eloquent officials nor the most feared citizens have been accorded with such a rare occasion.
On the other hand it is refreshing to note that sons and daughters fighting for minority rights are being recognised especially in this tiny country. It was at this moment when we refreshed our minds to what our carpenter colleague Ngoni had meant when he explained his harbouring ambitions of that length.
Hate them, loathe them, love them, they are just human rights activists in their quest and thirst for service.

Fare thee well Thindwa and Trapenze, remember to carry with you tsabola wa kambuzi (chillies) in readiness for the feast.

We shared the last of our concoction before exchanging long puffs of the illegal leaf as Nana lamented that if only government had legalised and regulated the leaf, tobacco buyers from the west wouldn’t have been a budding thorn in our flesh.

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