One of the biggest changes we need to go through as Malawians is respecting the law and mean it. We should not respect the law when it suits us and not respect the law when it does not.

Section 65 of the constitution was not written for decoration, so I urge parliament to respect section 65.The President said very proudly when she was elected that “in Malawi we have a constitution and so we have followed that constitution. NOW is the time to follow that constitution!. ALL DEFECTORS SHOULD BE SUBJECT TO SECTION 65 and the law society is doing well to get involved.

People who defect like this are the very people who are rendering our political systems exploitable by our leaders. These defectors are after personal gratification and they really are confusing the issue. It’s time some discipline is injected. It’s time to get serious about our constitution.Defectors do not stand their ground they clap hands, they are not real they are fake, they don’t know what they believe in but themselves!

To say by -elections are too expensive, well, are you going to run this government or not? stop making excuses, if you are with PP then get on with it if you can’t decide between PP and DPP then let the constituencies decide for you!

Malawians need representation, you were not elected to represent yourself!

Mr. Chimunthu Sir Section 65 needs to be invoked.

While I am on the subject, if UDF and MCP are not going to oppose, then DPP needs to be given a chance to do so. No government functions without opposition.

JZU says we should just advise! NO! JB needs to have her advisers and what we need is effective opposition in the house of assembly. Don’t make us a laughing stock please!

JZU says he wants to remain in opposition, if so then do your duty!if you have been mute then move sir and make way for proper mechanisms to work!

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