Three people in Chikwawa district have been taken into police custody on grounds that they were hunting protected species at Majete Wildlife Reserve.

Chikwawa police station public relations officer Constable Foster Benjamin Identified the three as Damalekani Sin’dyakwanu, 27, Maxwell Walasi, 36 and Davie Chimango who all hail from Felemu Village in the area of T/A Mlauli in Neno district.

According to Benjamin, police managed to arrest the three on Friday in Mwanza and also seized four muzzle loaders, four bullets and an axe.

“The arrest follows a three-day manhunt for the suspected poachers after they had escaped from the game rangers. Prior to the arrest, on Wednesday, a patrol team from Majete had invaded the suspects at Mkulumadzi River within the reserve,” said Benjamin.

The police PRO further said at the time, the suspects had fled, leaving behind two of their four muzzle loaders.

He said on Friday, the team, alongside police officers, raided the suspects’ home at Ngadziwe Village in the area of Traditional Authority (T/A) Kanduku in Mwanza district.

“The suspects were instantly apprehended and their weapons confiscated. They have since been charged with three counts; hunting protected species, illegal entry into a protected area and conveying weapons into a protected area which all contravene section 35, 32 and 33 respectively of the National Parks and Wildlife Act,” said police publicist.

They will soon appear in court to answer the charges accordingly.

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