A crowd of Evangelical Church of Malawi (ECOM) Christians from Blantyre Region on Saturday cheered the sick at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) with a purpose of preaching the word of God as spiritual healing tool and later donated groceries and food items worthy MK400, 000.00.

The church did this in response to God’s call as written in Mathews 25 verse 36 where it says: ‘I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

Speaking in an interview with faceofmalawi reporter after the ceremony, ECOM’s Blantyre Region Chairman, Pastor Wilson Maulidi said the church’s role is not only preaching about salvation but also to fulfill God’s wish which is helping the needy.

“As the church our role is not only based on preaching and converting the lost souls but we also have a role of helping the needy with the little that we have.

“Due to this fact we thought it wise to reach out to patients admitted here at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital especially in Ward 5 and encourage them that although they are in hospital God is still with them and he cares for them,” said Maulidi.

Rev. Maulidi also urged other churches and organizations across the country to develop the heart of giving arms to the sick and needy.

He said many people in the country are in dare need of help especially the elderly, those in prison and others are in Malawi’s hospitals across the country.

One of the patients admitted at the hospital Eliza Bamusi hailed the church for the timely donation saying this will help her a lot.

“Here in hospital we lack a lot of basic needs and this donation has come at the right time. I am really thankful to the church for helping me,” said Bamusi.

She also urged other well-wishers to emulate the good example set by Evangelical Church of Malawi (ECOM).

Some of the assorted items donated includes; Soap, Sugar, Salt, Maize flour and Soya pieces which was a contribution from church members of Chemusa, chirimba, Bangwe, Chitawira, GranMarry, Ndirande, Michiru, Likhubula and Chitimbe ECOM prayer houses of Blantyre Region.

Evangelical Church of Malawi was established in 1893 with its headquarters located at Ntambanyama in Thyolo district.

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