The Chairperson for Salima District Council has called on the central government and partners to assist the council with all necessary resources to combat the Cholera outbreak which resurfaced a week ago.

The call follows the death of a second person on Thursday last week, a thing which has forced the council to double its efforts.

Salima District Hospital Publicist, Angell Nyongani identified the latest victim as 50 year old Aneld Karmen of Mtsekwe Village, Traditional Authority Khombedza in the district.

“The deceased died on arrival at Khombedza Health Centre as he was brought to the facility in a critical condition, a thing which made it difficult for him to receive treatment,” said Nyongani.

Nyongani further said that since the first death in the second round of this season, the council has hyped efforts to stop the spread of the disease.

“As of now, all the cases are coming from the same area which is the area of Senior Chief Khombedza and we are trying our best to control it and stop any further spread,” said Nyongani.

She explained that crucial activities done so far, include mass pot to pot chlorination and mass sensitization using a band.

Meanwhile, Councilor Evason Mpayani has asked government to put in more resources to assist the council to fulfill its plan to control the outbreak.

“We are happy with what we are receiving, but with the new death it means that the battle is still on, so we need more from central government and our partners. So far, the local teams are working 24 hours to put the outbreak at bay,” said Mpayani.

Mpayani further said the council has put foward a proposal for government to consider upgrading Khombedza Health Centre to a Rural Hospital.

“The health center receives and treats more people than a health center is required, therefore it would be better if it was upgraded and given enough staff,” said Mpayani.

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