A 25 year old businessman in Mangochi committed suicide on Monday evening apparently due to growing losses he was incurring in his trade.

Chikondi Lapken, terminated his life by hanging himself to the roof of his house in the area of Traditional Authority Chowe and his body was found at around 7pm by his wife, Amina Issah.

The wife told the police that her husband had been complaining about incurring losses in his shop where he was operating from near Mangochi ADMARC depot.

Mangochi Police Station Deputy Public Relations Officer, Amina Tepani Daudi said that the police had established that for the past five months Lapken had been contemplating on killing himself due to the collapse of his business.

Postmortem conducted at Mangochi District Hospital indicated that Lapken died of suffocation.

Lapken hailed from Hawu village in the area of Traditional Authority Kanduku in Mwanza.

The incident happened barely three weeks after a 45 year – old mentally challenged man identified as lmran Adam also committed suicide by hanging himself to a tree on June 06 at Skull Rock Estate Forest in the area of Traditional Authority Jalasi in the district.

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