Information reaching faceofmalawi indicates that President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika has reshuffled his 20 member cabinet with the main culprit being Atupele Muluzi who has been stripped off his ministerial post.

According to information at hand, President Mutharika has appointed Umodzi Party (UP) President Professor John Chisi as Minister of Health and Population replacing Muluzi.

Inside sources say the change is due to the forthcoming convention for the United Democratic Front (UDF) scheduled for August 1, 2018 where Atupele is likely to be elected as torchbearer for the party in the 2019 tripartite election.

Apart from that, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Vice President for the North Goodall Gondwe has been appointed as Minister of Local Government replacing Kondwani Nankhumwa.

At the moment it is not known as to who has replaced Gondwe in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development.

Recently there were calls from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) asking President Mutharika to fire Gondwe and Nankhumwa over MK5 billion dispersed to 86 Members of Parliament who rejected Electoral reforms bills.

The CSOs even organized national wide protest on the matter.

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