Police in Ntchisi have launched a manhunt for unknown assailants who attacked a 76 year old man and left him lying unconscious in his potato garden located a kilometer away from his village.

The man died on admission at Ntchisi District Hospital on Monday.

The deceased, identified as Jeremoti Mathiloko, is said to have been found lying unconscious in the garden by children who had gone to wash clothes at a nearby river.

Ntchisi Police spokesperson, Gladson M’bumpha, said in an interview that the children informed community members about the incident.

“Upon visiting the scene, the community members discovered that the man had deep wounds on his face and they took him to Ntchisi District Hospital where he died while receiving treatment,” said M’bumpha who indicated that police also visited the scene.

A postmortem conducted at the hospital revealed that death was due to head injury.

Mathiloko hailed from Chithyathya Village in the area of Traditional Authority Kalumo in the district.

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