A 35-year-old woman in Mangochi has been arrested for concealing birth of a child which is contrary to section 232 of the penal code.

Mangochi police station deputy public relations officer, Amina Tepani Daudi has identified the suspect as Josophine Misasi who works as a security guard at Koche Water Users Association.

According to Daudi, the incident occurred on the afternoon of Sunday July 21, 2018 at Michesi village in the area of Traditional Authority Mponda in Mangochi.

“On this material day, Police were informed by members of the community that a baby was floating in a pit latrine behind the suspect’s house.

“The Police rushed to the scene and removed the dead body with the help of well-wishers,” Daudi said.

Later on investigations were initiated which led to the arrest of the suspect.

Misasi lied to her relatives that she miscarried.

After being interrogated the suspect disclosed to have dumped the baby a week ago but never revealed her motive behind the act.

Daudi said the suspect has been referred to Koche Health centre for treatment.

After that, she will appear before court to answer the charge of concealing birth of a child which is contrary to section 232 of the penal code.

Misasi hails from Chomba village in the area of Traditional Authority Mponda in Mangochi.


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