President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika has said it is impossible to create one million jobs a year, quashing the remarks made by United Transformation Movement (UTM) leader Dr. Saulos Chilima who is also State Vice President.

Chilima told people gathered at Masintha Ground in the capital Lilongwe two weeks ago that he will create one million jobs once voted into power in the forthcoming 2019 tripartite election.

“If you do not believe this, ask Airtel Malawi. When I am given a task I work tooth and nail to make sure it is completed,” Chilima was quoted as saying.

But Mutharika quashed Chilima’s remarks in a recorded programmed scheduled to be aired today at state owned Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC), saying it is a nonstarter.

“Nobody can create one million jobs in this country. Never, it can never happen,” Mutharika is quoted as saying.

Mutharika’s remarks have attracted strong condemnation with many urging him to keep quiet.

One of the concern citizens Timwe Ziti wrote: “Which is more of a lie, creating one million jobs or making Malawi like Europe?”

Another comment by Mtete reads: “Please Mr. President, keep quiet if you are so incompetent to create jobs in this country because others can. We know all you are an expert at is to corruptly amass worth through hook and crook and what immediately comes to mind is the MK145 million easy money from a crooked Indian.”

Debate continues on the matter.

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