Wife to Presidential Advisor on Local Policies Dr. Hetherwick Ntaba, Norah has joined United Transformation Movement (UTM) whose leader is the country’s vice President Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima, faceofmalawi can reveal.

Ntaba’s wife popularly known as Namoyo has on several occasion sported attending rallies organized by UTM while putting on the movement’s regalia.

The development has attracted mixed reactions with many asking a lot of an unswered questions on the move taken by Ntaba’s wife.

When contacted for comment Ntaba backed his wife move.

“Don’t you have different opinions? Spouses have different opinions on issues and politics, so it is not an issue. People are allowed to differ and we all have freedom to hold different opinion that’s political tolerance. People have different political views that’s the values of democracy,” said Ntaba.

Ntaba’s family is a replica of the Kaliati family which has husband Angie and wife Patricia holding different political views.

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